April Fools’ Day

So you had read Megan’s post about sniffing out a desktop screen. Poor woman! HAHA! She was fooled by Google. Apparently on the event of 1st April 2013 which was obviously April Fools’ Day, Google pulled a prank by launching a new database which was called Google Nose. It was claimed that Google Nose lets you type in keywords for smells like “lemon” or “new car.” It’s being billed as an “Internet sommelier” with an “Aromabase” of over 15 million “scentibytes.” – Hornyak, 2013.

Here is the promo video by Google

Yet Megan did not know about the truth behind this “scent techonology”…

Behold the Smell-O-Vision! – A new olfactory display system that can generate an odor distribution on a two-dimensional display screen.

Credit: Haruka Matsukura

Credit: Haruka Matsukura

Researchers Haruka Matsukura, Tatsuhiro Yoneda, and Hiroshi Ishida of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology had  proposed a model to generate air flow from four corners of the screen that direct scent to the user. The scent was created by gel pellets that vaporize at the fan. However the model could only deliver one scent at a time (Halverson, 2013).

As an educator, I would really like to try this technology in the classroom. No longer the need to ask children imagine scent like warm fudgy brownie. Children could read, listen and smells at the same time from the computer. Speaking of engaging activities!


Halverson, N (2013). Smell-O-Vision Lets You Watch and Sniff. Retrieved April 5, 2013, from http://news.discovery.com/tech/gear-and-gadgets/smell-o-vision-watch-sniff-130401.htm

Hornyak, T, (2013). Something April fishy in Google Nose odor search engine. Retrieved April 5, 2013, from  http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57577210-1/something-april-fishy-in-google-nose-odor-search-engine/

About Meng Jo

Hi, welcome to my gardening blog. I am Jo (pronounce as Joe). I live in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. I started with my first plant, sunflower when I was 10, had it flowered and replanted the seeds produced. My passion for gardening continues ever since. My interests in a plant doesn't usually stops at flowering stage. I like to discover ways to propagate the plant and distribute the seedlings to my friends and relatives. I like to experiment with mixing soils for growing individual plant. I think I got this gardening "thing" from my mom since she is the only member of my family who will be willing to spend more than 5 minutes in the garden. I wanted to document my experience of gardening in this blog and share with the rest.
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